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Original Merchandise: Complete list

35mm Badges

Love Is Not A Crime:

Love is not a crime (grey background)
Love is not a crime (black background)
Make way for lesbians and gays

Safer Sex:

Free AZT
HIV - You, me, everybody
Safe sex slut
Love safely
Real men use condoms
Hugs and kisses


69 - Technically still a virgin
Don't sleep around (much)
Make love, don't fake it

Statement Triangles:

Think pink
Bending the rules
Come out
Genetics had nothing to do with it
Glad to be gay (blue background)
Glad to be gay (white background)
Black, proud, gay
Black, lesbian, proud
Black and pink
Star of David & pink triangle
Star of David & black triangle
Don't ignore my sexuality (Differently abled)


Yes I'm gay so fuck off
Yes I'm a lesbian so fuck off
Yes I'm gay so f**k off
Yes I'm a lesbian so f**k off

Positive Images:

Positive images-pissed off with being nice
An Intentional Promotion
9 out of 10 people are bisexual


16 - Make it legal
28 - Rebel with a clause
Diesel dykes use unleaded petrol
How dare you presume I'm vegetarian
Not all fags are nasty weeds
Nuclear family? - No thanks
Socialism needs bourgeois deviants
400,000 more reasons to fight fascism

Campaigning (UK)

No poll tax (pink)
No poll tax (yellow)


Cheer up you could be straight
You don't have to be straight to be celibate
I'm straight but it might just be a phase
What's so great about being straight?


Don't be heterosexist
How dare you presume I'm heterosexual
Heterosexuals make the nicest homosexuals
Heterosexuality, just say no!

Triangles (symbol):

Shadow pink/black
Shadow black/pink
Pink triangle (grey)
Pink triangle (black)

Womens Symbols:

Double womens symbol
Labyris and Womens symbol (purple)
Labyris and Womens symbol (white)


Dykes and fags woz 'ere '89
Strength and Pride
Stand up for your love rights


Happy as a stereotype
Hands off my identity (pink)
Hands off my identity (black)


Tribadism, rubbing you up the right way
I know what lesbians do in bed
Have you been to the island?

Womens' Campaigns:

Don't drag women down
Free abortion on demand

Lesbian And Gay:



2 I don't mind heterosexuals...
1 ...so long as they keep away from my kids

Sons And Daughters:

My son is gay and I'm happy
Lesbian daughters, the real thing

Look Like:

I only look like a lesbian
I only look gay


Out on Tuesday, is that all?
Ecce Homo (Behold the man)
I've got a queer feeling
Some people find me offensive
Don't dream it, be it
Who cares?


Nid yn cariad yn drosedd (love is not a crime)
Rhyddhad lesbaidd a hown nawr (Lesbian & gay liberation now)

55mm Badges

Out and proud
You don't have to be gay to be happy... ...but it helps
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, straight?
Some of my best friends are lesbians
Some of my best friends are gay
Lesbian mothers are not pretending
Double womens symbol/painted pink triangle


Out on the town
Lesbians and gays for peace
Safe Sex zone
Where do you fit in?
Who cares? - I care!
101 ways to come out #1
101 ways to come out #2
101 ways to come cut #3


Love is not a crime
Nid yn cariad yn drosedd (love is not a crime)


Notelets (pack of 10)

Seasonal promotions:

Christmas cards (pack of 5)
The 12 gays of Christmas (postcard)