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Stuart's Final Game

Stuart has everything. A good home, a good school, good friends, good looks, and a generous natural endowment. His sex life is hot. He's had everyone from his coach to his best mate. By his eighteenth birthday he expects Coach to help him get scouted by a half decent football club and start a professional career. So what makes a closeted gay footballer risk everything for the love of a damaged estate kid, get a school bully to reform his ways and do all this, while helping win his team the year end trophy.

Exactly what favours does his Coach plan to call in?

Would he really stoop to blackmail?

Is Stuart expected to offer more than his footballing skills?

It's springtime in London, and with the cup final just weeks away, the result could decide the future for Stuart and everyone he knows.



Available this summer in digital format
Price: £TBC